As we age, we start enjoying the simpler things in life. By age 65, we begin to back away from a fast-paced lifestyle and more towards having extra time to relax. Spending time with family and loved ones, going to exercise classes, and brushing up on cooking skills are just some of those daily activities. Some continue volunteering at local hospitals and schools, remaining active even after retirement.
With all these new activities, we forget that our bodies have also slowed down. The body doesn’t function at the same capacity it did before. It takes longer to heal from an injury, to digest certain foods, and more. Due to this, pain experienced from this new lifestyle can also linger, resulting in limitations to your mobility and overall health. Because of that, even senior patients are searching natural, holistic methods to manage and hopefully get rid of that pain. This is where chiropractic care comes in!
At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North, our doctor uses Zone Technique to pinpoint the cause of pain for our senior patients in Omaha NE. Based on his findings, he focuses on several zones of the body connected to the pain, working to bring back some flexibility and mobility to his patients’ bodies.
Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid plans cover chiropractic care.
What Is Senior Chiropractic Care?
Also called geriatric care, senior chiropractic care focuses on elderly individuals suffering from chronic and acute pain. Patients may experience flexibility and balance problems, lack of mobility, and improper posture alignment. This is due to the spine changing as you age. Not only do spinal discs, muscles and ligaments become weaker, but they become dehydrated as well.
Weak muscles and ligaments can’t retain the same strength and tension they had in the past. As a result, they allow certain joints, and spinal discs, to slip out of place. This leads to more slips/ falls and other common accidents. Even while at home!
With senior chiropractic care, patients gain back some of that mobility and flexibility. They receive relief from pain – and its symptoms – along with staying healthy through regular visits.
Chiropractic care allows senior patients to receive treatment and pain relief without needing surgery or over-the-counter medications. Our seniors want to be themselves, think for themselves, take care of themselves, and living on their own.
Common Issues in Geriatric Cases in Omaha NE
Like other patients, each geriatric case is unique. Even so, the most common issues that senior members experience include decrease mobility, balance and coordination problems, and increased instances of slips or falls.
Our entire body has a vast range of mobility. Standing. Walking. Sitting down. Lifting. Bending over. The list goes on, and we are still learning about more ranges in mobility. As we mature, though, that ability decreases, making it harder to move around with ease.
For seniors, it can feel debilitating. They may feel so much pain from simple movements that they start thinking about undergoing certain surgical procedures. Not only would it be risky, but the procedure(s) may lead to more complications down the road.
Let’s Talk Balance & Coordination
There are two components that affect our daily movement: balance and coordination. Balance allows us to stay upright or in a certain position for a certain time. It gives us control over our body’s movement and mobility. In addition, coordination gives us the ability move two or more body parts effortlessly, at the same time. Both balance and coordination are important motor skills, essential for performing daily tasks and avoiding injury. However, as we age, these motor skills decrease, making it harder to perform simple tasks and increasing the risk of injury.
In relation with loss of balance, the frequency of falling increases as we age. This also due to decreased mobility in the body. Certain body parts, such as the knees and ankles, may not function properly and result in patients falling. The same applies to the hips, which guide weight transfer from one leg to the next. Due to this, a senior patient’s reflexes would be affected. In addition to decreased mobility, patients may be suffering from pain already present. All this results in major injury or bruising.
Zone Technique for Seniors
With every case, every condition can derive from one or more zones of the body. Zone Technique allows chiropractors to ask the body which zone(s) is imbalanced and focus on correcting the pain.
Zone 5 – Musculoskeletal
The most common zone for senior care cases is Zone 5. This zone is responsible for allowing you to move and stay upright. Living an active and healthy lifestyle helps keep this zone in proper shape. Although, this doesn’t mean it can’t suffer from stress and trauma. Whether it is physical, mental or emotional, stress on this zone leads to miscommunication between the brain and the body’s muscles.
For senior patients, this miscommunication can lead to conditions like arthritis, bursitis and spinal disc degeneration. Because of this, some patients will look at undergoing surgery – the most popular being hip/ knee replacements – or decreasing their activity levels. In fact, this makes the problem worse.
Staying active will help break up arthritis in joints, along with increasing your range of motion and keeping you healthy.
Zone 3 – Nervous System
Zone 3 works on regulating daily body functions, allowing the body to work properly. Essentially, it functions as your body’s “electrical system”, telling which systems to “stop” and/ or “start”.
Like other systems, though, this zone can suffer from stress/ trauma. When this happens, patients will feel tired and start making poor health choices. Senior patients may experience low energy levels, anxiety and/or depression, poor sleep patterns, and more. As a result, senior patients develop certain conditions that take longer to heal.
Balancing this zone will allow patients to sleep better, eat better and have more energy.
Zone 2 – Elimination System
Another common zone found in senior care cases is Zone 2. This zone is responsible for flushing out harmful substances from the body. If there is an imbalance in this system, the rest of the body can be affected.
For senior patients, the most common symptom to appear is constipation. Senior patients suffering from chronic constipation feel frustrated and start relying on medications and laxatives. However, while still taking those medications, patients will experience a case of diarrhea afterwards. Soon, senior patients will suffer a continuous cycle of constipation and diarrhea.
As such, it is important to consider chiropractic care, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water.
Senior Chiropractic Benefits: Our Omaha Chiropractor’s Goals
Senior chiropractic cases have just enough importance as all other cases. The main objective is for the patient to feel better after several adjustments, and for them to see a positive difference in their overall health.
Chiropractic care offers plenty of benefits to all patients, even seniors. Besides pain relief and better health, seniors may notice other positive changes in their daily routine. Those positives include:
- Better mobility, in the back and limbs
- More balance and coordination
- Lower number in falling accidents
- Decreased spinal and joint degeneration
Along with these, senior patients can experience other positive changes to their life. They will have more energy throughout the day, feeling content with life and staying healthy as well. Senior patients who live at home – with family or alone – can continue living comfortably at home.
Achieving those results does take time and regular adjustments. Regardless, our Omaha Chiropractor has his patients’ best health interests in mind. With regular adjustments, our Chiropractor focuses on decreasing tissue inflammation around the spine and extremities, allowing blood to flow better and increasing mobility and range of motion in those areas. This helps reduce the risk of falling, straighten the patient’s posture, increase the patient’s balance and coordination skills, and achieve a better sense of well-being. Senior patients may also notice pain disappearing in their neck and back, along with having more energy throughout the day. The overall objective, according to our Omaha Chiropractor, is to have the patients feel better as they walk out the door, and that they are on the right path to better health.
Does my insurance cover Chiropractic?
Most of our patients are concerned about their insurance and how they would be covered with care. Rest assured, virtually all insurance companies cover chiropractic care. Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid plans all cover chiropractic care. If patients don’t have insurance, no worries! We make it work for each and every patient. The main focus is on the patient’s health and relieving them of any pain they may have.
Contact Our Chiropractor in Omaha for Senior Chiropractic Care
To get started with senior chiropractic care, choose our Omaha, NE chiropractor today. Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North is currently accepting new patients of all ages. Call our office today. When it comes to senior chiropractic care, get relief NOW & FAST.
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North
10011 Maple St
Omaha, NE 68134